At about the same time, Michelangelo also did the
marble Piet (1498-1500), still in its original place in
Saint Peter's Basilica. One of the most famous works
of art, the Pieta was probably finished before
Michelangelo was 25 years old. The youthful Mary is
shown seated majestically, holding the dead Christ
across her lap, a theme borrowed from northern
European art. Instead of revealing extreme grief, Mary
is restrained, and her expression is one of resignation.

Just days after it was placed in Saint Peter's,
Michelangelo overheard a pilgrim remark that the work
was done by Christoforo Solari, a compatriot from
Lombard. That night in a fit of rage, Michelangelo took
hammer and chisel and placed the following inscription
on the sash running across Mary's breast in lapidary
FLORENT FACIBAT  (MichelangeloBuonarroti,
Florentine, made this). This is the only work that
Michelangelo ever  signed Michelangelo later regretted
his passionate outburst of pride and determinedto never again sign a work of his hands.